+49 1520 1359621

DivePoint Hudhuran Fushi

Diese sehr gut organisierte Tauchbasis steht unter der professionellen Leitung von Marcus Hauck und seinem Team. Der Laden, die Schulungsräume und das Büro befinden sich am südwestlichen Steg mit direktem Zugang zum Tauchboot.

Die abwechslungsreichen Tauchplätze des Nord Male Atolls versprechen absolut unvergessliche Tauchgänge. Die legendären Tauchplätze wie Aquarium, Colosseum, Reef Manta Point und viele mehr befinden sich in der Nähe unserer Insel. Nachttauchgänge sind auf Anfrage möglich.

Resort Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi
Tauchplätze> 30 Tauchplätze


Die Insel liegt an der Ostseite des Nord Male Atolls, direkt an einem Kanal am Außenriff. Die perfekte Lage der Insel bietet eine Vielzahl von Tauchplätzen, die in kurzer Zeit mit unserem Dhoni erreichbar sind.
Tauche wie in deinen Träumen mit allen Arten von Unterwasserlebewesen, wie Weißspitzenriffhaien, Grauen Riffhaien, Schildkröten, Ammenhaien, Zebrahaien, Mobulas, Napoleons, Adler- und Stachelrochen, großen Fischschwärmen und vielen verschiedenen Arten von Zackenbarschen.

Von Mai bis Dezember kannst du sogar Mantas in der Nähe der Tauchplätze finden.


Get lost in the wonders around Hudhuranfushi: big school of fish , pelagic, colorful reefs, pristine beaches, and crystal-clear waters 

Booking & info
📞 +49 1520 1359621

🎥 @xtra_salty_travels 
📍 @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  @divepointmaldives 
#HudhuranfushiWonders #MaldivesParadise #CoralReefs #CrystalClearWaters #IslandEscape #MaldivesBeauty #TropicalGetaway #HiddenGems #BeachBliss #ExploreTheMaldives #divepointmaldives  #divewithfriends  #divepointhudhuranfushi  #sharks #eaglerays  #bananareef #sharkport  #turtles

💙What makes the experience magical is the sense of connection to the natural world. Pilot whales are highly social creatures, and observing them in their natural environment, without disturbing their peaceful existence, creates a profound sense of wonder. 

The sound of their spouting can often be heard before they are even visible, and when they appear, it’s a surreal moment to share with the people on your boat.

🙏🏼The opportunity to see pilot whales is not something every traveler will get to experience, making it a highly cherished and unforgettable encounter in the Maldives, particularly when combined with the stunning backdrop of Hudhuranfushi’s turquoise waters and untouched nature.

If you are already on our island pass by to reserve a trip , may we meet them again these days 🐳🐳🐳🐳🤞🏼

🎥  @xtra_salty_travels 

#PilotWhalesMaldives #HudhuranfushiWhales #MaldivesWhaleWatching #HudhuranfushiAdventures #MaldivesMarineLife #PilotWhaleEncounters #WhaleWatchingMaldives #HudhuranfushiIsland #divepointmaldives #divewithfriends #balene #divepointlifestyle #maldivesdream #bucketlist
More then 30 incredible dive sites 🐳 

These dive sites near Hudhuranfushi offer an exciting mix of shallow coral reefs, submerged pinnacles, and exciting drift dives, providing great opportunities for divers to experience the rich underwater world of the Maldives.

Whether you’re just starting out or already a pro, we guarantee you’ll have an amazing time! 🎉

Booking & info
📞 +49 1520 1359621

🎥 @xtra_salty_travels 
📍 @divepointmaldives  @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  @ssi_international 
#divesites @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  #adaaranresorts  #bestdives #northmaleatoll  #becomeadiver  #scubadive  #maldives #maldivesresorts  #divewithfriends  #divewiththebest  #divepointmaldives  #divepointhudhuranfushi  #dive  #turtle #tuna  #sharks #jackfish #beyondwonderland #wonderland #immersionidafavola
We are living in our dream 🙌

Our dream changes every day location & form , fauna & conditions 💙🤿🇲🇻
Always breath taking 🦈🏆

Join our tribe & live your dream , for real !

🎥 @xtra_salty_travels 
📍 Divepoint Hudhuranfushi
@adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  @ssi_international 

#livinginmydream  #ocean #divinglife #scuba #maldives #travelife #oceandream #sharks #manta #marinelife #fish #divewithsharks  #divewithfriends  #divepointmaldives  #scubadreamer
Yes is exactly what is looking like 🐂🦈 this massive BULL SHARK came to meet us yesterday morning during our Big Shark  diving adventure 🙏🏼

Stoutly bull sharks get their name from their short, blunt snout, stocky appearance and bullish nature. These compact powerhouses reach an average length of three-and-a-half metres and can weigh up to a whopping 250 kg. As one of the most dangerous shark species of the sea, these aggressive predators will often head-butt their prey before attacking. 

Unfortunately, bull sharks face many threats due to human activities and are currently listed as ‘Vulnerable’.

If you dream to dive with Bull sharks , hammerheads , tigersharks , spinner & other BIG stuff , get in contact with us , you are at the right place ! 

@divepointmaldives  Hudhuranfushi every second day almost , we go for BIG SHARK DIVING, an amazing trip, not too far from our island to encounter all these majestic creatures , free in their habitat . You can learn more about their behavior with our Shark Ecology Program , & become a specialist 👍🏼

🎥 @xtra_salty_travels 

 @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi @discoversharks  @visitmaldives 
#bullshark #bullsharkdiving  #bullsharkdive  #bullsharkseason  #northmaleatoll  #adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  #divemaldives #bigstuff #bigsharkdiving #scubajunkies  #sharks #bigboy  #sharkecology  #divingtrip  #weekendvibes
What is BIG SHARK DIVING ? 🦈 🦈 

It’s a incredible adventure any one can experience here @divepointmaldives  @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi 🐬🦈🥽🐳🪼

Almost every second day we organize this incredible trip , double tank dive in the morning , to explore a unique area , which is really Heaven for us ! 

The journey is about 45 minutes with our comfortable  boat🛥️ , often we meet dolphins 🐬 on the way 💪🏼💪🏼 . 

Once there we can dive in between spinners , hammerheads , bullsharks , manta , tigersharks , big school of rays & so much more ! Every time we encounter some spectacular creature 🙏🏼

Cool thing is that is very close to our island 🏝️ & we can go very often !

To find the perfect spot you need to have the right crew & guide who knows exactly where to jump , & here we go with our experienced & professional team who is pleased to share with you the best dives of your life ! 

Jonathan, Yumi, Denise , Ali , Charly they can’t wait to take you down here & have fun together 🙌🏼

How to book this ? 

You can prebook to get early bird discount :

Or simply pass by the dive center & sign up with our team 😉

🎥 @xtra_salty_travels 
 📍@ Divepoint Hudhuranfushi 
#bigshark  #bigsharkdiving #hudhuranfushi  #divepointhudhuranfushi  #divewithfriends #scubajunkies  #divemaldives  #northmaleatoll  #divingoffers  #diving_photography  #bestdivespots  #secretspot  #divetrip  #topdives #spinner #hammerhead  #bullshark  #adaaranselecthudhuranfushi #tigersharks
Busy Monday 🌊 🇲🇻 🦈 

Jumping in the right place is really fundamental 💪🏼 just few meters difference & you will miss the whole show 😉 if you are a rays enthusiast you may consider to pass by ☺️ during the briefing our team will give you all the necessary instructions to don’t interfere with the crowd & enjoy the spectacular show 😊 

Tag someone who would like to be in the traffic jam 🚦 

🎥 @xtra_salty_diver 
📍 DivePoint HudhuranFushi Maldives

@divepointmaldives  @watersportspointmaldives  @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  @lohismaldives 

 #onebreatharoundtheworld #maldivesparadise #rays #stingray #NorthMale #northmaleatoll #jump #theperfectspot #divewithfriends #adaaranselecthudhuranfushi  #adaaranresorts  #notonlydiving #busymonday #divepointhudhuranfushi #razze #trigoni #raya #rays
Sometime it’s just matter of jumping on the right spot & wait 🙏🏼🫧🤿🇲🇻 🌊 
Who else would love to dive in between hundreds sting rays ? 🤩

🎥 @xtra_salty_diver 
📍Divepoint Hudhuranfushi
#newdivesite #maldives #northmaleatoll #divepointmaldives #divewithfriends #earlymorning #diving #scubadiver #openwaterdiver #ssiinternational #wonders #ilovescuba #justbreathe #tauchen #scubadream #buceo #plongee #subacquea #maldiveslovers

The guitar shark is actually not a shark at all but a ray from the Rhinidae family. The more common name for them is ‘bowmouth guitarfish’. 

They are rare species that reside in the tropical waters of the Maldives & in the whole Indo-Pacific. The reason this ray has been nicknamed ‘guitar shark’ is the shark looking like a dorsal and tail fin.

Shovelnose guitarfish have the ability to pump water over their gills, so they are able to remain perfectly motionless. The guitarfishes are a group of skates (as opposed to stingrays). They do not have barbs or “stingers” like some other rays, and they are totally harmless to people.

Guitar shark 🦈can get large, up to around 3m, and weigh over 100kg.

Classified by IUCN as critically endangered with the population decreased by over 80% over the last three generations, they are mostly hunted for their meat and fins. The high price for their fins drives the demand for more and more dead guitar sharks. Quite a lot of them are also kept in captivity on display in aquariums. Their habitat is also being damaged, mainly by bottom trawling fishing.

Take your camera 📸 with you when you join our dives here @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi , you may gonna see one 🙌🏼🎸🦈

Booking & info : 

🎥 @xtra_salty_diver 
📍Divepoint Hudhuranfushi 

@divepointmaldives @visitmaldives @officialmaldives @natgeo @discoversharks 

#sharks #guitarshark #shovelnose #shovelnoseguitarfish #lifestyle #maldivesobsessed #maldivesresorts #maldivesdiving #newspots #followus #maldivesmania #divepointhudhuranfushi #divepointmaldives
We were waiting for this moment 💙🙏🏼

Tag someone who wish to be here 🌊

🎥 @xtra_salty_diver 
📍DivePoint Hudhuranfushi

@natgeowild @ssi_international @natgeotravel 
#stingray #stingrayfish #stingraymigration #rays #razzedimare #stechrochen #northmaleatoll #northmale #divinglife #bestdive #bestdivespots #bestdiveever #divepointmaldives #divewithfriends #divetrip #oceansnation #exploringmore #oceanlove #visitmaldives
All what we need is diving 💙🤿🐟🐠🐳🐋🐙

No matter what you will see , here in the Maldives is always worth to put your face below the surface ! 🐬🦑

From scuba diver to instructors , there are dives for everyone 😊

Our instructors are ready for any adventures with you ! 

Meet our Divepoint Hudhuranfushi team @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi 

“Dive with Friends “

Video by @divechai  @divepointmaldives @adaaranselecthudhuranfushi 

#divepointhudhuranfushi #divepointmaldives #divepoint #joinus #bestdivecenterbrand  #AdaaranResorts #comedivewithus #wearefamily #divewithfriends #bestbuddies #wediveeveryday #ontheboatagain #maldives #malediven #diving #tauchen #indianocean #DreamDestination #wearessi #ssimaldives #SSI #realfriends #houserewf #adaaranselecthudhuranfushi #realdiving #maldiveslovers #maldivesresorts #happytribe #divetribe #wedive


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Dive Point Maldives (@divepointmaldives)


Begegnungen mit Haien und Stachelrochen

Entdecke den Nervenkitzel des Tauchens in Madi Miyaru Kanmathi, auch bekannt als Tiger Shark Point oder Shark Tank! Nur eine Stunde Fahrt mit dem Dhoni nach Hulhulamle entfernt, bietet dieser Tieftauchgang ein aufregendes Erlebnis in einer durchschnittlichen Tiefe von 25-30 Metern. Hier triffst du auf eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Haien, darunter Tiger-, Bullen-, Hammer-, Spinner-, Gitarren- und Zitronenhaie sowie über 100 Stachelrochen.

Es gibt zwar ein kleines Riff, aber richtig aufregend wird es, wenn wir uns ins Blau wagen, wo sich oft größere Haie herumtreiben. Auf 22 Metern befindet sich ein großer Block, ein Hotspot für Stachelrochenaktivitäten.


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Did you know marine flatworms are carnivorous, feeding on small creatures like worms, crustaceans, and even small fish? Some also scavenge or eat algae, depending on their species! 🌊

Dont miss our April Newsletter, where we’ll dive deep into the world of flatworms, revealing their vibrant colors, unique behaviors, and much more!

Stay tuned and make sure you’re subscribed – this underwater adventure is one you won’t want to miss!

📸 Mika Tigny

Did you know marine flatworms are carnivorous, feeding on small creatures like worms, crustaceans, and even small fish? Some also scavenge or eat algae, depending on their species! 🌊

Don't miss our April Newsletter, where we’ll dive deep into the world of flatworms, revealing their vibrant colors, unique behaviors, and much more!

Stay tuned and make sure you’re subscribed – this underwater adventure is one you won’t want to miss!

📸 Mika Tigny
... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Have you ever meet the honeycomb moray eel?

A fun fact about the honeycomb moray eel is that it gets its name from the unique honeycomb-like pattern on its skin. This pattern helps it blend into rocky or coral reef environments, providing camouflage from predators and making it easier for the eel to ambush prey. Additionally, despite its intimidating appearance, the honeycomb moray is generally shy and prefers hiding in crevices and caves.

🎥 @Jonny Alexander Butcher
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4 weeks ago
Are you curious to know all the banner fish ‘s secrets ? Don’t miss our March news letter ☺️ our marine biologist will talk about it and so much more 🙌🏼

If you are not signed in yet this is the link :

 📸 Mika Tigny

Are you curious to know all the banner fish ‘s secrets ? Don’t miss our March news letter ☺️ our marine biologist will talk about it and so much more 🙌🏼

If you are not signed in yet this is the link :

📸 Mika Tigny
... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

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Dive with friends


Unser internationales Tauchteam lebt und taucht nach unserem Slogan „Dive with Friends“. Hier erwartet dich eine entspannte und familiäre Atmosphäre mit bestem Service sowie erholsame Tauchgänge, geführt von unserem motivierten und kompetenten Team. Das Tauchpersonal ist zu 100% vom Tauchen begeistert!



Unsere Services


Als zertifizierter Taucher kannst du bei den täglichen Bootstauchgängen teilnehmen: Unsere Tauchgänge finden in kleinen Gruppen und in der Regel am Morgen und am Nachmittag statt. Am Vormittag können zwei Tauchgänge an zwei verschiedenen Tauchplätzen durchgeführt werden. Nachmittags bieten wir nochmal ein weiteren Tauchgang vom Boot aus an. Nachttauchgänge sind auf Anfrage möglich.

Prebook your dives


Nimm an einem Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Kurs teil, wenn du deine Oberflächenpausen verkürzen und deine Tauchzeit verlängern möchtest. Damit verbringst du mehr Zeit bei der Erkundung deiner Lieblingstauchplätze anstatt mit Warten! Werde ein SSI Nitrox-Taucher durch unabhängiges Online-Studium.

Nitrox ist für alle zertifizierten Nitrox-Taucher kostenlos.


Du brauchst Leihequipment? Unsere Tauchbasen sind mit erstklassiger Leihausrüstung ausgestattet.

– Spezielle Kindergrößen sind zum Verleih verfügbar
– Wir bieten DIN/INT-Flaschen in den folgenden Größen an: 7l, 10l, 12l & 15l
– Halte den Urlaub fest mit einer unserer hochwertigen Olympus-Fotokameras


Die Kombination aus personalisiertem Unterricht und praktischen Ausbildungseinheiten gewährleistet, dass du die Fertigkeiten und die Erfahrung eines selbstbewussten, sicheren Tauchers erwirbst. Sowohl für Anfänger als auch für zertifizierte Taucher bieten wir eine Vielzahl von Kursen an, wie zum Beispiel SSI Basic Diver Program , SSI Open Water Diver, SSI Advanced Diver, SSI Nitrox Course oder Spezialkurse wie Tieftauchen, Nachttauchen und begrenzte Sicht, Wellen, Scooter und viele mehr.

Get more info


Nutze die kostenlose Online-Ausbildung des Tauchverbandes SSI und spare damit wertvolle Urlaubszeit. Registriere dich und starte das Online-Training noch heute.

Register now


In diesem Kurs lernst du die Fertigkeiten und Vorgehensweisen, um solche Tauchgänge sicher zu planen und durchzuführen. Du lernst die besonderen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für den Einsatz von Tauchscootern/DPVs kennen, Kontakt zu deinem Tauchpartner zu halten, dabei deine übrige Ausrüstung zu kontrollieren und die neue Taucherfahrung mit dem DPV sicher zu genießen!


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Contact us
Das Hotel


Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi ist ein Inselparadies mit einem der besten linksseitigen Surfbreaks der Welt. Sie ist rund um die Uhr mit dem Schnellboot erreichbar und liegt auf einer der ältesten natürlichen Inseln der Malediven. Sie bietet 24 Stunden Premium-All-Inclusive für Surfer, Hochzeitsreisende, Familien und Gruppen, die einen unvergesslichen tropischen Urlaub erleben möchten.